************************************************************************ PV FIRST PUBLISHER CLIP ART VOLUME 1 ************************************************************************ This disk includes some of my favorite clip art used with First Publisher. Some of the art is scanned using the GeniScan Hand Scanner, and some art is hand drawn. Objects (art) on this disk is not available in any store, and are in .ART format. These objects are shareware and may be passed around to your friends. If you like what you see here, the registation fee is $10.00. The $10.00 registration fee gets you another disk (Volume 2) another 105 original images of the same quality. I'll even pay for the postage! Please register using the form supplied below. CAUTION, this offer is good until April 1993 only. Registration after April 1993 will not be honored! Please send a check or money order to the address below, sorry Visa and Mastercard ARE NOT accepted. Your registration fee entitles you to use this software on a single computer and to make as many copies of this software as you wish for backup purposes. Pete Vielhaber Box 148 DCA-Europe APO NY NY 09131 ************************************************************************ INVOICE Mail To: Pete Vielhaber Your Address: _____________________________ Box 148 DCA-Europe _____________________________ APO NY NY 09131 _____________________________ _____________________________ QTY DESCRIPTION REGISTRATION FEE _1_ PV First Publisher Clip Art Vol I $10.00 _1_ PV First Publisher Clip Art Vol II Free Postage & Handling Free _________ TOTAL $10.00 Sorry, 5 1/4" Disks Only! Registered users will receive notice of new products! ************************************************************************